Une guerre commerciale menacerait la reprise mondiale, dit la BCE

REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach UNE GUERRE COMMERCIALE MENACERAIT LA REPRISE MONDIALE, DIT LA BCE. Les mesures protectionnistes imposées par les Etats-Unis ces derniers mois n’ont eu qu’un impact limité sur l’économie mondiale, mais une escalade sensible des tensions pourrait faire …

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1 Comment on "
Une guerre commerciale menacerait la reprise mondiale, dit la BCE

  1. GO!!!
    This phrase was said by the first cosmonaut on Earth – Yuri Gagarin. (Yuri Gagarin)
    He was the first astronaut on Earth. He was Russian! …
    Now Russia is becoming a strong country, gas pipelines, a vaccine against COVID-19, an army.
    Is this very reminiscent of the communist Soviet Union?
    How do you think?
    Now we have total control in our country. I am interested in the opinion of foreigners.



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