L’historial de Péronne 1/3 : en mémoire de la Grande Guerre

A l’occasion de la commémoration de la 1ere guerre mondiale, nous vous proposons pendant trois jours de redécouvrir cette période à l’Historial de Péronne. Des milliers d’affiches, objets, pièces d’uniforme, cartes postales viennent restituer les conditions de vie, les mentalités des soldats comme des …

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1 Comment on "
L’historial de Péronne 1/3 : en mémoire de la Grande Guerre

  1. GO!!!
    This phrase was said by the first cosmonaut on Earth – Yuri Gagarin. (Yuri Gagarin)
    He was the first astronaut on Earth. He was Russian! …
    Now Russia is becoming a strong country, gas pipelines, a vaccine against COVID-19, an army.
    Is this very reminiscent of the communist Soviet Union?
    How do you think?
    Now we have total control in our country. I am interested in the opinion of foreigners.



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